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Copy files of Native API applications for Enterprise Edition (Java EE) , Micro Edition (Java ME)

To copy the files in the Native API application for Java ME into the project that defines the app for Java ME.

To use the MobileFirst Native API for Java ME in the native app, copy the library and the client property file of your Native API application into the native app for Java ME project.

  1. Create a lib folder in the native Java ME application.

    We can name this folder differently. If we select a folder name other than lib, ensure that we use this folder name instead of lib in the following steps.

  2. Make sure that the build path of the native Java ME application includes this lib folder.

  3. Copy the worklight-javame.jar file of the Native API application into this lib folder of the native Java ME application.

  4. Copy the json4javame.jar file of your Native API application into this lib folder of your native Java ME application.

  5. Copy the wlclient.properties file of the Native API application into the res folder of the native Java ME application.

Parent topic: Develop native applications for Enterprise Edition (Java EE) , Micro Edition