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WASLTPAModule login module

The WASLTPAModule login module enables integration with WebSphere Application Server LTPA mechanisms.

This login module is only supported on WebSphere Application Server. To avoid unnecessary errors when MPF is run on other application servers, the login module is commented out in the default authenticationConfig.xml file created with an empty MobileFirst project. To use it, remove the comments first.

Class Name



The login module class has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
cookie-domain Optional. A String such as example.com, which specifies the domain in which the LTPA SSO cookie applies. If this parameter is not set, no domain attribute is set on the cookie. The single sign-on is then restricted to the application server host name and does not work with other hosts in the same domain.
httponly-cookie Optional. A String with a value of either true or false, which specifies whether the cookie has the HttpOnly attribute set. This attribute helps to prevent cross-site scripting attacks.
cookie-name Optional. A String that specifies the name of the LTPA SSO cookie. If this parameter is not set, the default cookie name is LtpaToken.
role Optional. A String that specifies the Java EE role that the authenticated user must belong to for the login to be successful. If the parameter is not specified, no role checking is performed.

When we specify a role parameter, the role must be defined in the MobileFirst web application deployment descriptor (web.xml). A set of users or groups must be mapped to that role using the usual WebSphere Application Server mechanisms.

<loginModule name="WASLTPAModule">
  <parameter name="role" value="wluser"/>
  <parameter name="cookie-domain" value="example.com"/>
  <parameter name="httponly-cookie" value="true"/>
  <parameter name="cookie-name" value="LtpaToken2"/>

Parent topic: Configure login modules