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The <jmsConnection> element of the JMS adapter

Use the <jmsConnection> element to identify how the MobileFirst Server connects to a messaging system.

The <jmsConnection> element has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
connectionFactory Mandatory. The name of the connection factory used when connecting to the messaging system. This is the name of the administered object in the JNDI repository.

If we are deploying in WebSphere Application Server, the connection factory must be a global JNDI object. The object must be addressed without the java:comp/env context. For example: jms/MyConnFactory and not java:comp/env/jms/MyConnFactory. However, if you are deploying in Tomcat, the connection factory must be addressed including the java:/comp/env context. For example: java:comp/env/jms/MyConnFactory.

user Optional. User name of a user with authority to connect to the messaging system.
password Optional. Password for the user specified in the user attribute.

Parent topic: The adapter XML File