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Simple data sharing troubleshooting

Find information to help resolve issues that you might encounter when we use the Simple Data Sharing feature.

Problem Actions to take
Unable to access shared data when we use the Simple Data Sharing APIs. Ensure that all applications in the same family are all redeployed under the same MobileFirst application family name. See Enable the Simple Data Sharing feature.
Android: Application fails to install.

  1. Ensure that all applications that are part of the same MobileFirst application family name, are also signed by the same signing identity.

  2. Uninstall previous versions of applications that have a different MobileFirst application family or wlSharedUserID, or are signed by a different signing identity.
Unable to get MobileFirst device SSO to work with a reverse proxy.

  1. Ensure that you enabled the Simple Data Sharing feature. See Enable the Simple Data Sharing feature.

  2. Ensure that all applications in the same family specified the necessary reverse proxy authentication cookie.
See Configure device single sign-on with a reverse proxy.
Unable to specify cookie or user certificate sharing. We must first enable the MobileFirst Simple Data Sharing feature and specify a MobileFirst application family before we can enable device SSO or user certificate authentication sharing options. See Enable the Simple Data Sharing feature.

Parent topic: Simple data sharing