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JavaScript API examples

We can use JSONStore for MobileFirst hybrid applications.

The following sections contain example implementations for JavaScript with JSONStore APIs. Other helpful topics include:

Initialize and open connections, get an Accessor, and add data

var collectionName = 'people';
// Object that defines all the collections.
var collections = {
  // Object that defines the 'people' collection.
  people : {
    // Object that defines the Search Fields for the 'people' collection.
    searchFields : {name: 'string', age: 'integer'}
// Optional options object.
var options = {
  // Optional username, default 'jsonstore'.
  username : 'carlos', 
  // Optional password, default no password.
  password : '123', 
  // Optional local key generation flag, default false.
  localKeyGen : false
WL.JSONStore.init(collections, options)
.then(function () {
  // Data to add, you probably want to get   // this data from a network call (e.g. MobileFirst Adapter).
  var data = [{name: 'carlos', age: 10}];
  // Optional options for add.
  var addOptions = {
    // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
    markDirty: true
  // Get an accessor to the people collection and add data.
  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).add(data, addOptions);
.then(function (numberOfDocumentsAdded) {
  // Add was successful.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
   // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations (init, add).

Find - locate documents inside the Store

var collectionName = 'people';
// Find all documents that match the queries.
var queryPart1 = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart()
                   .equal('name', 'carlos')
                   .lessOrEqualThan('age', 10)
var options = {
  // Returns a maximum of 10 documents, default no limit.
  limit: 10, 
  // Skip 0 documents, default no offset.
  offset: 0, 
  // Search fields to return, default: ['_id', 'json'].
  filter: ['_id', 'json'], 
  // How to sort the returned values, default no sort.
  sort: [{name: WL.constant.ASCENDING}, {age: WL.constant.DESCENDING}]
// Alternatives:
// - findById(1, options) which locates documents by their _id field
// - findAll(options) which returns all documents
// - find({'name': 'carlos', age: 10}, options) which finds all documents
// that match the query.
.advancedFind([queryPart1], options)
.then(function (arrayResults) {
  // arrayResults = [{_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlos', age: 99}}]
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Replace - change the documents already stored inside a Collection

var collectionName = 'people';
// Documents will be located with their '_id' field 
// and replaced with the data in the 'json' field.
var docs = [{_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlitos', age: 99}}];
var options = {
  // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
  markDirty: true
.replace(docs, options)
.then(function (numberOfDocumentsReplaced) {
  // Handle success.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Remove - delete all documents that match the query

var collectionName = 'people';
// Remove all documents that match the queries.
var queries = [{_id: 1}];
var options = {
  // Exact match (true) or fuzzy search (false), default fuzzy search.
  exact: true, 
  // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
  markDirty: true
.remove(queries, options)
.then(function (numberOfDocumentsRemoved) {
  // Handle success.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Count - gets the total number of documents that match a query

var collectionName = 'people';
// Count all documents that match the query.
// The default query is '{}' which will 
// count every document in the collection.
var query = {name: 'carlos'}; 
var options = {
  // Exact match (true) or fuzzy search (false), default fuzzy search.
  exact: true
.count(query, options)
.then(function (numberOfDocumentsThatMatchedTheQuery) {
  // Handle success.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Destroy - wipes data for all users, destroys the internal storage, and clears security artifacts

.then(function () {
  // Handle success.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Security - close access to all opened Collections for the current user

.then(function () {
  // Handle success.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Security - change the password used to access a Store

// The password should be user input. 
// It is hard-coded in the example for brevity.
var oldPassword = '123';
var newPassword = '456';
var clearPasswords = function () {
  oldPassword = null;
  newPassword = null;
// Default username if none is passed is: 'jsonstore'.
var username = 'carlos';
WL.JSONStore.changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword, username)
.then(function () {
  // Make sure you do not leave the password(s) in memory.
  // Handle success.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Make sure you do not leave the password(s) in memory.
  // Handle failure.

Push - get all documents that are marked as dirty, send them to a MobileFirst adapter, and mark them clean

var collectionName = 'people';
var dirtyDocs;
.then(function (arrayOfDirtyDocuments) {
  // Handle getAllDirty success.
  dirtyDocs = arrayOfDirtyDocuments;
  var invocationData = {
    adapter : 'adapter-name', 
    procedure : 'procedure-name-1', 
    parameters : [dirtyDocs], compressResponse: true
  return WL.Client.invokeProcedure(invocationData);
.then(function (responseFromAdapter) {
  // Handle invokeProcedure success.
  // You may want to check the response from the adapter   // and decide whether or not to mark documents as clean.
  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).markClean(dirtyDocs);
.then(function () {
  // Handle markClean success.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Pull - get new data from a MobileFirst adapter

var collectionName = 'people';
var invocationData = {
  adapter : 'adapter-name', 
  procedure : 'procedure-name-2', 
  parameters : [],   compressResponse: true
.then(function (responseFromAdapter) {
  // Handle invokeProcedure success.
  // The following example assumes that the adapter returns an arrayOfData, 
  // (which is not returned by default),   // as part of the invocationResult object, 
  // with the data to add to the collection.
  var data = responseFromAdapter.invocationResult.arrayOfData;
  // Example:
  // data = [{id: 1, ssn: '111-22-3333', name: 'carlos'}];
  var changeOptions = {
    // The following example assumes that 'id' and 'ssn' are search fields, 
    // default will use all search fields
    // and are part of the data that is received.
    replaceCriteria : ['id', 'ssn'], 
    // Data that does not exist in the Collection will be added, default false.
    addNew : true, 
    // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default false.
    markDirty : false
  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).change(data, changeOptions);
.then(function () {
  // Handle change success.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Check whether a document is dirty

var collectionName = 'people';
var doc = {_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlitos', age: 99}};
.then(function (isDocumentDirty) {
  // Handle success.
  // isDocumentDirty - true if dirty, false otherwise.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Check the number of dirty documents

var collectionName = 'people';
.then(function (numberOfDirtyDocuments) {
  // Handle success.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Remove a Collection

var collectionName = 'people';
.then(function () {
  // Handle success.
  // Note: We must call the 'init' API to re-use the empty collection.
  // See the 'clear' API if you just want to remove all data that is inside.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Clear all data that is inside a Collection

var collectionName = 'people';
.then(function () {
  // Handle success.
  // Note: You might want to use the 'removeCollection' API   // instead to change the search fields.
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Start a transaction, add some data, remove a document, commit the transaction and roll back the transaction if there is a failure

.then(function () {
  // Handle startTransaction success.
  // We can call every JSONStore API method except:
  // init, destroy, removeCollection, and closeAll.
  var data = [{name: 'carlos'}];
  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).add(data);
.then(function () {
  var docs = [{_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlos'}}];
  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).remove(docs);
.then(function () {
  return WL.JSONStore.commitTransaction();
.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operation.
  //(startTransaction, add, remove).
  .then(function () {
    // Handle rollback success.
  .fail(function () {
    // Handle rollback failure.

Get file information

.then(function (res) {
  //res => [{isEncrypted : true, name : carlos, size : 3072}]
  .fail(function () {
  // Handle failure.

Parent topic: JSONStore examples