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Integrate with source control systems

Some source code files should be held in a version control system: others should not.

There are two types of files and folders in a standard MobileFirst project hierarchy:

Figure 1. Integration of MobileFirst project hierarchy with source control systems

Project Name
+---Java Resources
+---JavaScript Resources
|  +--Application Name
|       |   application-descriptor.xml
|       |   build-settings.xml
|       |   
|       +---android
|       |   +---css
|       |   +---images
|       |   +---js
|       |   +---native
|       |   |   |  Application Name.iml
|       |   |   |   AndroidManifest.xml
|       |   |   |   project.properties
|       |   |   |   
|       |   |   +---assets
|       |   |   |   |   wlclient.properties
|       |   |   |   |   
|       |   |   |   +---featurelibs
|       |   |   |   +---www (*)
|       |   |   +---libs
|       |   |   +---res
|       |   |   +---src
|       |   +---nativeResources
|          |
|       +---blackberry
|       |   +---css
|       |   +---images
|       |   +---js
|       |   +---native
|       |       |   config.xml
|       |       |   icon.png
|       |       |   splash.png
|       |       |   .wldata
|       |       |   
|       |       +---ext
|       |       |   WLExtension.jar
|       |       |       
|       |       +---www (*)
|       |                               
|       +---blackberry10
|       |   +---css 
|       |   +---images
|       |   +---js
|       |   +---nativeResources
|       |   |   |   
|       |   |   +---www (*)
|       +---common
|       |   |   index.html
|       |   |
|       |   +---css
|       |   +---images    
|       |   +---js
|       |           
|       +---ipad
|       |   +---css
|       |   +---images
|       |   +---js
|       |   +---native
|       |   |   |   buildtime.sh |       |   |   |   config.xml
|       |   |   |   Entitlements-Debug.plist
|       |   |   |   Entitlements-Release.plist
|       |   |   |   main.m
|       |   |   |   Project Name Application NameIpad_Prefix.pch 
|       |   |   |   Project Name Application NameIpad-Info.plist 
|       |   |   |   README.txt
|       |   |   |   worklight.plist
|       |   |   |   
|       |   |   +---Classes
|       |   |   |   Application Name.h
|       |   |   |   Application Name.m
|       |   |   | 
|       |   |   +---CordovaLib (*)
|       |   |   +---FipsHttp
|       |   |   +---Frameworks
|       |   |   +---Project Name Application NameIpad.xcodeproj
|       |   |   +---Resources
|       |   |   +---Settings.bundle
|       |   |   +---Tealeaf
|       |   |   +---WorklightSDK (*)
|       |   |   +---www (*)
|       |   +---nativeResources
|       +---iphone
|       |   +---css   
|       |   +---images
|       |   +---js  
|       |   +---native
|       |   |   |   buildtime.sh |       |   |   |   config.xml
|       |   |   |   Entitlements-Debug.plist
|       |   |   |   Entitlements-Release.plist
|       |   |   |   main.m
|       |   |   |   Project Name Application NameIphone_Prefix.pch 
|       |   |   |   Project Name Application NameIphone-Info.plist 
|       |   |   |   README.txt
|       |   |   |   worklight.plist
|       |   |   |   
|       |   |   +---Classes
|       |   |   |   Application Name.h
|       |   |   |   Application Name.m
|       |   |   | 
|       |   |   +---CordovaLib (*)
|       |   |   +---FipsHttp
|       |   |   +---Frameworks
|       |   |   +---Project Name Application NameIphone.xcodeproj
|       |   |   +---Resources
|       |   |   +---Settings.bundle
|       |   |   +---Tealeaf
|       |   |   +---WorklightSDK (*)
|       |   |   +---www (*)
|       |   +---nativeResources
|       +---legal
|       |
|       +---windowsphone8
|           +---css 
|           +---images
|           +---js
|           +---native
|           |   |   Application Name.csproj
|           |   |   App.xaml
|           |   |   App.xaml.cs
|           |   |   ApplicationIcon.png
|           |   |   Background.png
|           |   |   config.xml
|           |   |   MainPage.xaml
|           |   |   MainPage.xaml.cs
|           |   |   Newtonsoft.Json.dll
|           |   |   SplashScreenImage.jpg
|           |   |   wlclient.properties
|           |   |   WLWPNativeLib.dll
|           |   |   WPCordovaClassLib.dll
|           |   |   
|           |   +---applicationBar
|           |   +---buildtarget
|           |   +---Properties
|           |   +---Resources
|           |   +---www (*)
|           +---nativeResources
+---bin (*)                         
|   +---conf
|   +---java
|   +---lib

To ensure that the source code is always synchronized with your source control system, add the (*) files and folders to the ignore list in the source control system. For Subversion, for example, perform the following steps:

For more information about the folders that are shown in the figure, see Anatomy of a MobileFirst application.

Parent topic: Artifacts produced during development cycle