USSD Support
Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) is a communication technology used by GSM cellular telephones to send text messages between a mobile phone and an application program in the network.
USSD establishes a real-time session between the mobile phone and the application that handles the service.
MPF uses the HTTP/HTTPS protocol to communicate with the USSD gateway, which is a third-party entity. The USSD gateway routes USSD messages to the MobileFirst Server. Adapter procedures need to be defined to process these requests and send back a response. You need to define USSD event handler to route the requests to the adapter procedure that handles those requests.
See WL.Server.createUSSDEventHandler and WL.Server.createUSSDResponse APIs in WL.Server.
Here is a sample flow for USSD:
- A mobile user enters a USSD short code, such as *123#.
- The request is forwarded to a USSD gateway.
- The gateway maps the short code to a known URL provided by MPF, creates the USSD session, and forwards the request to the URL.
- A MobileFirst adapter with the matching filter receives the request and responds to the gateway request with the configurable USSD menu/simple text.
Configuration required at USSD Gateway
This URL can be followed by parameters specific to the gateway. Refer to your USSD Gateway documentation for more details.
Server-side APIs required at MobileFirst adapter side
To create a filter to process the USSD request:
WL.Server.setEventHandlers([ WL.Server.createUSSDEventHandler({ 'shortcode' : '*123#' }, handleUSSDRequest) ]);To send back a response:
WL.Server.createUSSDResponse("This is my response", "text/plain", true))
To prevent entities with malicious intent from sending requests to the MobileFirst Server via a USSD URL, the USSD feature is protected by default. configured to reject all requests to the USSD servlet with a rejecting login module. To allow restricted access to USSD, MobileFirst administrators must modify authenticationConfig.xml.with appropriate authenticator and login modules, or comment the URL pattern /ussd* to allow unrestricted access. For example, the following configuration in authenticationConfig.xml.ensures that only requests with a specific user name in the header of the HTTP request are allowed:
<staticResources> <resource id="subscribeServlet" securityTest="SubscribeServlet"> <urlPatterns>/subscribeSMS*;/ussd*</urlPatterns> </resource> ... </staticResources> <securityTests> <customSecurityTest name="SubscribeServlet"> <test realm="SubscribeServlet" isInternalUserID="true"/> </customSecurityTest> ... </securityTests> <realms> <realm name="SubscribeServlet" loginModule="headerLogin"> <className>com.worklight.core.auth.ext.HeaderAuthenticator</className> </realm> ... </realms> <loginModules> <loginModule name="headerLogin"> <className>com.worklight.core.auth.ext.HeaderLoginModule</className> <parameter name="user-name-header" value="username"/> </loginModule> ... </loginModules>
Parent topic: Develop the server side of a MobileFirst application