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MobileFirst projects, environments, and skins

With MobileFirst Studio, develop mobile applications within projects, build the applications for different environments, and create skins for specific devices.

MobileFirst projects

To develop the mobile applications with MPF, first create a project in MobileFirst Studio.

A project in MobileFirst Studio is a place for developing mobile applications, which we can build for different environments.

In the project we can have a main application folder, holding subfolders:

Within the project, create the graphical user interface of the mobile application using the Rich Page Editor. The Rich Page Editor is a WYSIWYG editor in MobileFirst Studio.

When the application is finished, we can test it with the Mobile Browser Simulator in MobileFirst Studio. However, we cannot test native code with MobileFirst Studio. We must test native code using a real device or with the development kit of the appropriate environment. To test the application:

  1. Build and deploy the application: MobileFirst Studio creates the project with the native code we can then view and update.

  2. Test it with the Mobile Browser Simulator, which emulates the target device, or with a real device.

MobileFirst environments

We can build the mobile applications for different environments, such as:

There is a difference between the Mobile web app environment and the Desktop Browser web page environment.

If the web application is not based on IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation, we must first port it IBM MPF. If the web application is based on IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation, we can add the Desktop Browser web page environment to the existing project.

MobileFirst skins

Different types of devices exist for a same environment. To write a piece of code specific to a certain device, we must create a skin. Skins are subvariants of an environment and they provide support for multiple form factors in a single executable file for devices of the same OS family. Skins are packaged together in one app. At run time, only the skin that corresponds to the target device is applied.

Parent topic: Artifacts produced during development cycle