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Application cache management in Desktop Browser and Mobile Web apps

MobileFirst Studio provides mechanisms by which we can control the contents of the application cache for Desktop Browser and Mobile Web environments.

The application cache

Ideally, you want mobile and desktop web applications to be able to work when the user is offline. Older browsers had their own caching mechanisms, but they were not always reliable. The release of HTML5 addressed this need with the introduction of the application cache, which provides users three advantages:

See HTML5 Application Cache.

The application cache manifest

The Cache Manifest is a simple text file that lists the resources that the browser is to cache for offline access. It contains a list of resources explicitly cached after the first time they are downloaded. The Cache Manifest can contain three sections:

When the browser opens a document that includes the manifest attribute, the browser loads the document and then fetches all the entries listed in the Cache Manifest file. If no application cache exists, the browser creates the first version of the application cache.

If unnecessary or redundant files are included, they must all be fetched before the application can start, which can create a poor user experience. The procedure that follows documents ways in which we can edit the Cache Manifest to reduce the start time for the Desktop Browser and Mobile Web applications.

Parent topic: Optimizing MobileFirst applications