Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 encryption
We can secure all of the collections in a store by encrypting them.
JSONStore uses SQLCipher as its underlying database technology. SQLCipher is a build of SQLite that is produced by Zetetic, LLC that adds a layer of encryption to the database.
JSONStore uses SQLCipher on all platforms. On Android and iOS a free, open source version of SQLCipher is available, known as the Community Edition and is incorporated into the versions of JSONStore that is included in IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation. The Windows versions of SQLCipher are only available under a commercial license and cannot be directly redistributed by MPF.
Instead, JSONStore for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 include SQLite as the underlying database. If we need to encrypt data for either of these platforms, we need to acquire our own version of SQLCipher and swap out the SQLite version that is included in IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation. See SQLCipher on Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 or 8.1.
If we do not need encryption, the JSONStore is fully functional (minus encryption) using the SQLite version in IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation.
Parent topic: JSONStore security