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Application descriptor of native API applications for Enterprise Edition (Java EE) , Micro Edition (Java ME)

The application descriptor is a metadata file used to define various aspects of the native API application for Java ME.

The application-descriptor.xml file, in the application root directory, is a metadata file used to define various aspects of the application.

The following example shows the format of the application descriptor file of native API applications for Java ME:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  securityTest="security test name"
  <displayName>application display name</displayName>
  <description>application description</description>

The content of the application descriptor file is as follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<nativeJavaMEApp MEApp 
  securityTest="security test name"

The <nativeJavaMEApp> element is the root element of the descriptor. It takes three mandatory attributes and one optional attribute:


This attribute specifies the identifier of the application. This identifier must be identical to the application folder name. It must be an alphanumeric string that starts with a letter. It can contain underscore ("_") characters. It must not be a reserved word in JavaScript.


Contains the version of MPF on which the app was developed.


This attribute specifies the version of the application. This version is a string of the form x.y, where x and y are numbers. It is visible to users who download the app from the app store or market.


This optional attribute specifies a security configuration defined in authenticationConfig.xml. When a client attempts to access a protected resource, IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation checks whether the client is already authenticated according to the security test. If the client is not yet authenticated, IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation starts the process to obtain the client credentials and to verify them.

    <displayName>application display name</displayName>


This element contains the application name. This name is visible in the operations console and is copied to the descriptor files of various web and desktop environments.


This element contains the application description. This description is visible in the operations console and is copied to the descriptor files of various web and desktop environments.

    <description>application description</description>


This tag closes the content of the application descriptor file


Parent topic: Develop native applications for Enterprise Edition (Java EE) , Micro Edition