Sencha Touch globalization plug-in
We can use Sencha Touch globalization functions with the Sencha Touch globalization plug-in.
Here, the Ext.i18n.bundle-touch Sencha Touch globalization plug-in is being used to demonstrate globalization functions. The Ext.i18n.bundle-touch globalization plug-in can be downloaded from GitHub.
The example application does not show the Sencha Touch globalization string format feature because there is no official globalization string formatting plug-in for Sencha frameworks.
Listing 1: Load Sencha Touch and globalization plug-in
This listing shows the scripts for loading Sencha Touch and the Ext.i18n.bundle-touch globalization plug-in.
<script src="js/sencha-touch-all.js"></script> <script> Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true, paths: { 'Ext.i18n': 'js/i18n', 'patch': 'js/patch' } }); </script> <script src="js/SenchaGlobalization.js"></script> <script src="js/messages.js"></script> <script src="js/auth.js"></script>Figure 2 shows the structure of the Sencha Touch resource files.
Figure 2. Sencha Touch resource bundle structure
Sencha Touch also provides a convenient API to retrieve the message in the resource bundle and set the value to the UI component.
Listing 2: Load and use resource by Sencha Touch globalization plug-in
function loadResource(){ Ext.require('Ext.i18n.Bundle', function(){ Ext.i18n.appBundle = Ext.create('Ext.i18n.Bundle', { bundle: 'messages', path: 'bundles/nls', noCache: true }); }); Ext.application({ name: "Sencha Touch Globalization", launch: function(){ Ext.i18n.appBundle.onReady(function(){doGlobalization();}); } }); }; function doGlobalization(){ // global header var globalHeader = Ext.create('Ext.Toolbar', { docked: 'top', xtype: 'toolbar', title: '<div width="100px">' + Ext.i18n.appBundle.getMsg('msg_globalization') + '</div>' }); // show locale by Ext.i18n.Bundle var globalFooter = Ext.create('Ext.Toolbar', { docked: 'bottom', xtype: 'toolbar', title: '<div width="100px">' + Ext.i18n.appBundle.getMsg("msg_footer") + Ext.i18n.appBundle.language + '</div>' }); // main list data model Ext.define('mainListModel', { extend: '', config: {fields: ['index', 'type']} }); // main list data store var mainListStore = Ext.create('', { model: 'mainListModel', sorters: 'index', proxy: { type: 'localstorage', id: 'mainListStore' }, data: [ { index: '1', type: Ext.i18n.appBundle.getMsg('msg_months') }, { index: '2', type: Ext.i18n.appBundle.getMsg('msg_days') }, { index: '3', type: Ext.i18n.appBundle.getMsg('msg_formats') }, { index: '4', type: Ext.i18n.appBundle.getMsg('msg_words') }, { index: '5', type: Ext.i18n.appBundle.getMsg('msg_icon') ] }); // main list view var mainList = Ext.create('Ext.List', { itemTpl: '{type}', store: mainListStore, onItemDisclosure: function(record, btn, index){ showSecondContainer(record, btn, index); } }); }
Parent topic: Globalization in JavaScript frameworks