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Add elements to web pages from the palette

We can populate a web page with content by dragging elements from the Palette view to the web page in Rich Page Editor.

Complete the following tasks before we can add elements to a web page in Rich Page Editor:

  1. Create a project.

  2. Create a web page.

  1. In the Enterprise Explorer view, double-click the web page to open it in Rich Page Editor.

  2. Add various elements to the web page by dragging objects from the different drawers in the Palette view, such as radio buttons, check boxes, and submit buttons.

    In the Web perspective, the Palette view is located by default on the right side of the workbench, underneath the Outline and Snippets views.

  3. We can select multiple elements by pressing Ctrl and then performing actions on the selected elements from the menu, such as copy, paste, or delete.

  4. When we finish adding elements to the web page, save your changes by pressing Ctrl + S.

Parent topic: Rich Page Editor