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Install custom runtime database workload standards

You need to install custom workload standards for the runtime database, administration database, and reports database.

Extract the WLRTDB.zip, WLRPTDB.zip, and WLADMDB.zip files from the mobilefirst_server_ pattern_6.3.0.zip file.

  1. Log in to IBM PureApplication System with an account that has permission to create database workload standards.

  2. In the Workload Console, navigate to Catalog > Database Workload Standards.

  3. From the toolbar, click +. The Database Workload Standards window opens.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name; for example, WL_DB.

  5. From the Workload type list, select Departmental Transactional.

  6. In the Upload file (.zip) field, select the WLRTDB.zip file you extracted from the mobilefirst_server_ pattern_6.3.0.zip file.

    1. Click Browse, navigate to the folder into which you extracted the WLRTDB.zip file, and then select the WLRTDB.zip file.

  7. Click Save to save the custom runtime database workload standard.

  8. Repeat the previous steps to do the following:

    1. Upload the WLRPTDB.zip file to create the custom reports database workload standard.

    2. Upload the WLADMDB.zip file to create the administration database workload standard.

What to do next

We use the installed database workload standards in the process of creating an IBM MobileFirst Platform Application Pattern (see Create an IBM MobileFirst Platform Application Pattern).

Parent topic: Install MobileFirst support for cloud deployment