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Deploy analytics on IBM PureApplication System

Configure the Web Application Pattern and deploy the analytics server on IBM PureApplication System or IBM PureApplication Service on SoftLayer.

This procedure involves working with the analytics.ear file. We can find it in the mobilefirst_server_ pattern_6.3.0.zip file in the Analytics folder.

We must have an IBM PureApplication System or IBM PureApplication Service on SoftLayer environment, and the privilege to create Virtual Application Pattern (VAP) and deploy Virtual Application instances.

By following this procedure, prepare the Web Application component for analytics deployment as a Web Application Pattern on PureApplication System. We configure it, and then you save the configuration and deploy analytics on PureApplication System as a web application.

  1. Get the enterprise archive (EAR) file, analytics.ear, for analytics. This file is in the mobilefirst_server_ pattern_6.3.0.zip file in the Analytics folder.

  2. Create the Virtual Application Pattern.

    1. Log in to IBM PureApplication System

    2. Select Workload Console > Patterns > Virtual Application Patterns.

    3. Select Web Application Pattern Type 2.0.

    4. Click the plus sign (+).

    5. Select the Blank application template to start from, and then click Start Building.

  3. Add an Enterprise Application component.

    1. Expand Application Components.

    2. Drag the Enterprise Application component onto the canvas on the right.

    3. Select the Enterprise Application component in the canvas and specify the path of the analytics EAR file by clicking the Edit button.

  4. Add a routing policy. (Recommended for simplifying the later MobileFirst Server configuration)

    1. Move the mouse over the Enterprise Application component and click the plus sign (+).

    2. Select Routing Policy.

    3. In the property pane, click Routing Policy and specify the Virtual Host name. Make a note of the host name because you will use it later.

  5. Optional: Add the JVM policy. To set a larger Java heap size, which can improve performance when the analytics server holds a large number of documents, this can be done by setting the JVM policy.

    1. Select JVM Policy in the same way selected Routing Policy.

    2. In the property pane, specify JVM heap size: 2048MB - 2048MB.

    3. In the Class Loader Order field, make sure PARENT LAST is selected.

  6. Specify a user repository to configure the security of the analytics server. We can integrate with Tivoli Directory Server or Microsoft Active Directory. See Integrate with Tivoli Directory Server.

    The only difference here is the four links will be from Analytics Server to LDAP Server and the four Analytics roles need to be specified in a similar way.

  7. Save the configuration and deploy analytics on PureApplication System.

    1. Save the virtual application. Give it a name; for example, Analytics Server.

    2. Return to Virtual Application Patterns. You should see the pattern created in this procedure.

    3. Click Deploy to deploy Analytics on PureApplication System.

    4. When the deployment is completed, go to Virtual Application Instances. Your pattern deployment is now displayed as being in the "Running" state. We can get the analytics server endpoint link by selecting the deployment instance and on the right side, clicking the Endpoint button besides the WAS middleware in the Virtual machine perspective section. The analytics console is displayed in the browser.


When we deploy the pattern, the analytics console is available at:

For example, if you set the routing policy in step 4, the following URL applies:

If we do not set the routing policy in step 4, the following URL applies:

With the routing policy set, if DNS is not configured with the IP addresses of ELBInstances, the endpoint link does not work properly. We can set up the hosts file on the computer that you are using to access the deployment dashboard to correct the link. The hosts file is typically found in one of the following locations:





Obtain the IP address of any ELBInstance and in the same cloud group as the virtual application instance, add an entry to the hosts file. See the following example, where elbinst_ip is the ELBInstance IP address.

virtual_host_name: <varname>elbinst_ip</varname>
elbinst_ip: virtual_host_name

If we deploy any virtual application without a manual routing policy before ELB is deployed and running, the application does not require and use the ELB proxy shared service. We can access the application from the WAS ENDPOINT; for example http://WAS_IP:9080/contextRoot. The WAS ENDPOINT is still accessible even if a proxy is in use. For more information about ELB, see Elastic load balancing proxy shared service.

Parent topic: Deployment of analytics to the cloud