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Deploy a MobileFirst project to IBM PureApplication System, IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator, or IBM PureApplication Service on SoftLayer

You deploy a MobileFirst project to PureApplication System, IBM SmartCloud Orchestrator, or PureApplication Service on SoftLayer by running the project in Eclipse.

Before deploying, write the MobileFirst application and test it in the local development environment. Since you are deploying to an environment outside Eclipse, make sure we have applied the correct settings for the MobileFirst Server location in worklight.properties. See Configure the MPF Server location.

  1. In Eclipse, navigate to the Project Explorer view.

  2. Right-click the project. and then click Run As > Deploy project as Application Pattern.

  3. In the Edit Configuration window, select the MobileFirst applications and adapters to be deployed in the MobileFirst Project Configuration area.

  4. In the Database Option area, complete the following steps:

    1. Click Combined DB to combine all the MobileFirst tables into one DB2 VM, or click Multiple DB and then decide further whether to include Report DB or not. (We can not generate a report afterwards if you decided not to include Report DB here).

    2. If the pattern is to be deployed to IBM PureApplication Service on SoftLayer where the administrator has configured the DB2 pattern for a non-production purpose, clear the Production Purpose check box.

    3. Click Run.

  5. In the operations console, check the status and wait for the project to be deployed. When the project has been deployed, a window opens displaying the operations console URL.

Parent topic: Work with IBM MobileFirst Platform Application Pattern Extension for MobileFirst Studio