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Deploy a MobileFirst virtual application

We can use an Ant task to deploy a MobileFirst virtual application.

The Ant tasks are contained in the worklight-ant.jar file, which we can find in the mobilefirst_server_ pattern_6.3.0.zip file. Extract it before you build and deploy MobileFirst virtual applications with the command line interface.

The Ant task for deploying a MobileFirst virtual application has the following structure:

<taskdef resource="com/worklight/ant/defaults.properties" classpath="${taskdefClasspath}"/>
<target name="deployVAP" depends="buildVap4IPAS">

The following table describes the attributes.

Attributes Description
vapZipFile Required. Path to the zip file built by vap-builder.
ipasHost Required. URL of IBM PureApplication System.
username Required. Username to access PureApplication System console.
password Required. Password to access PureApplication System console.
deploymentTarget Optional. Deployment target type used to deploy VAP. The value can be either environment profile (default value) or cloud group.
profileName Required when deploymentTarget is equal to environment profile. Profile name for deploying VAP.
cloudGroupName Required. Cloud group name for deploying VAP.
ipGroupName Required when deploymentTarget is equal to environment profile. IP group name for deploying VAP.
priority Required when deploymentTarget is equal to environment profile. Priority for deploying VAP.
IPVersion Required when deploymentTarget is equal to cloud group. IP version used to deploy VAP. The value can be either IPv4 or IPv6.

Parent topic: Build and deploy MobileFirst virtual applications using the command line interface