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Connect to a new Tivoli Directory Server

You connect to a new Tivoli Directory Server by dragging and dropping a new User Registry TDS component onto the PureApplication System canvas, creating four connections from the MobileFirst Server component to it, and then uploading an LDIF file and setting the Base DN for Tivoli Directory Server.

  1. In IBM PureApplication System, in the Virtual Application Builder, click the Diagram tab.

  2. From the Assets list, expand User Registry Components, and then drag and drop a User Registry Tivoli Directory Server component onto the canvas.

  3. Supply the following information in the fields provided:

    Property Description
    Name Name for the directory server.
    LDIF file LDIF file to be uploaded for the Tivoli Directory Server.
    Base DN Base DN for Tivoli Directory Server to start searching. This value will override the ldapSearchBase value in LDAPLoginModuleIPAS.
    User filter Specifies the LDAP user filter that searches the existing user registry for users. This value will override the ldapSearchFilterPattern value in LDAPLoginModuleIPAS.
    Group filter Specifies the LDAP group filter that searches the existing user registry for groups.

  4. Create four links from MobileFirst Server to Tivoli Directory Server for the four MobileFirst roles (worklightadmin, worklightdeployer, worklightmonitor and worklightoperator). For each link, in Mapping special subjects, we can select AllAuthenticatedUsers.

Parent topic: Integrate with Tivoli Directory Server