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Use Ant tasks to build applications and adapters

The worklight-ant-builder.jar file is included in the MPF Command Line Interface. In earlier versions, it was included in MobileFirst Server. By default, worklight-ant-builder.jar is installed in the following location:

For example, on OSX, the default CLI Install Path is /Applications/IBM/Worklight-CLI. If we use the default installation path, the Ant task is installed here: /Applications/IBM/Worklight-CLI/public/worklight-ant-builder.jar.

Building a hybrid application

The Ant task for building a hybrid application has the following structure:

The <app-builder> element has the following attributes:

By default, running the Ant task to build an application does not handle the Dojo Toolkit because Ant is not run with build-dojo.xml. We must explicitly configure the task to do so, using the following app-builder setting in the Ant build file:

If we use this setting, the Dojo Toolkit files are deployed with your application.

Build a native API application

The Ant task for building a native API application has the following structure:

The <native-app-builder> element has the following attributes:

Build an adapter

The Ant task for building an adapter has the following structure:

The <adapter-builder> element has the following attributes:

If we build more than one adapter file, add an <adapter-builder> element for each adapter.

Parent topic: Ant tasks for building and deploying applications and adapters