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Submitting a review for an installed application

We can review an application version installed on your mobile device; the review must include a rating and a comment.

We can only submit a review of a version of an application if that version is installed on the mobile device.

  1. In the Details view, initiate your review:

    • On iOS phones and tablets, tap Review version X.

    • On Android phones and tablets, tap Review version X.

    • On BlackBerry phones, slide to the Reviews pane and select Write Review.

  2. Enter a nonzero star rating:

    • On mobile devices with touch screens, tap a star, from 1 to 5, to represent the approval rating of the version of the application.

    • On BlackBerry devices without touch screen, use the trackpad to slide and select the number of stars.

    One star represents the lowest level of appreciation and five stars represent the highest level of appreciation.

  3. Enter a comment about this version of the application.

  4. Tap Submit to send the review to the Application Center.

Parent topic: The mobile client