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Import and building the project (BlackBerry)

We must import the BlackBerry project into the BlackBerry Eclipse IDE and then build the project.

Follow the normal procedure to import a project into the BlackBerry Eclipse IDE.

  1. Select File > Import.

  2. Select General > Existing Project into Workspace.

  3. On the next page, select Select root directory and locate the root of the IBMAppCenterBlackBerry6 project.

  4. Select "IBMAppCenterBlackBerry6 project".

  5. Click Finish to import the IBMAppCenterBlackBerry6 project into the BlackBerry Eclipse IDE.

What to do next

The IBMAppCenterBlackBerry6 project is a native BlackBerry application that requires protected BlackBerry API. Therefore, we must first obtain a signature to sign the project. In the web browser, open https://www.blackberry.com/SignedKeys/codesigning.html. Follow the instructions to obtain the signature, which consists of several keys. All signature keys must be imported into Eclipse using Window > Preferences > BlackBerry Java Plugin > Signature Tool.

To build the IBMAppCenterBlackBerry6 project:

  1. Right-click the project and select BlackBerry > Package Project(s).

    This action packages the project.

  2. Right-click the project and select BlackBerry > Sign with Signature Tool.

    This action signs the project.

The result is located in a generated directory called deliverables. Contains two subdirectories:


Contains the packaged application for uploading with USB cable to the device. This method is incompatible with the packaging required for the Application Center server.


Contains the packaged application for uploading over the air. This method is compatible with the Application Center. Therefore, use this directory and not the Standard directory. Place this directory into an archive (.zip) file.

Important: Make sure that the archive file does not contain the Standard directory.

Refer to the BlackBerry site for developers for more specific information that affects the mobile client application for BlackBerry projects.

Parent topic: Preparations for using the mobile client