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For experts: BlackBerry

We can customize features by adapting a central property file and manipulating some other resources .


To customize features: look and feel and various features are controlled by a central property file called appcenter.properties in the directory IBMAppCenterBlackBerry6/src/main/resources. To disable or customize various features, we can adapt this property file before you build the project. For example, we can disable the feature for reverting the installation of an application to a previous version.


This file contains the properties shown in the following table.

Property Description
defaultServer The default value of the server field of the Login view. The field can be edited by the user.
defaultPort The default value of the port field of the Login view. The field can be edited by the user.
defaultContext The default value of the context field of the Login view. The field can be edited by the user.
defaultUseSSL The default value of the SSL switch of the Login view.
serverSettingVisibleInLoginScreen This property indicates whether the server, port, and context fields and the SSL check box are visible in the login screen. If this property is disabled, the defaultServer, defaultPort, defaultContext, and defaultUseSSL properties must be set, because the user cannot edit their values when they are not visible.
KeepLoginCredentialsTime The number of minutes the password remains valid after exiting the application. If set to 0, the user must log in again whenever the application starts. If set to -1, the login credentials are kept forever until the user explicitly logs out. If any other value is given and the user restarts the application within this time, it is not necessary to log in again.
listAverageRating This property can have one of these values:

  • latestVersion: the application lists show the average rating of the latest version of the application.

  • allVersions: the application lists show the average rating of all versions of the application.

AdaptAppCatalogInfoLineToSorting This property indicates whether the rendering of the application list shows popularity or updates when sorting according to popularity and updates. Normally, the rendering shows version numbers. When this feature is enabled and you choose sorting according to the timestamps of popularity or updates, the rendering shows popularity or update timestamps instead of versions.

Other resources

Other resources available are application icon, application name, icons, and translatable resources of the application.

Application icon


Application name

Edit the IBMAppCenterBlackBerry6/BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml file. The key title is the application name.

Icons (buttons, stars, and similar objects) of the application


Depending on the color theme, either dark or light icons are chosen. For example, if the background is dark, light icons are chosen. Therefore, all icon file names have the suffix "light" or "dark". Several buttons can be disabled. To show the corresponding icon on a disabled button, some icons have the file name suffix "t50". The visual indicator of disabled buttons is implemented by adding 50% transparency to the icon.

Translatable resources of the application


Parent topic: Preparations for using the mobile client