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Defining administrator messages from operations console in multiple languages

We can set the deny and notification messages from IBM MobileFirst Platform operations console in multiple languages. The messages are sent based on the locale of the device, and must comply with the ISO 639-1 and ISO 3166-2 standards.

To add the deny and notification messages for multiple languages, follow these steps.

  1. In operations console, select the status Active, Notifying, or Access Disabled in the list of application rules.

  2. Click Enter messages for multiple languages.

  3. In the Messages for multiple languages window that opens, notice we can upload a CSV file.

    Figure 1. Defining messages for multiple languages

    Such a CSV file must define a series of lines. Each line contains a locale code, such as "fr-FR" for French (France) or "en" for English, a comma, and the corresponding message text. The specified locale codes must comply with the ISO 639-1 and ISO 3166-2 standards. The first line with an empty locale defines the default message. If we did not define an alternative, or if the locale from the client matches none of the uploaded locales, this default message is displayed

    To create a CSV file, use an editor that supports UTF-8 encoding, such as NotePad. In the CSV file.

    The following figure shows an example of a CSV file:

    Figure 2. Sample CVS file

  4. Click Upload CSV to browse and select the CSV file to upload. We can see the languages that you uploaded in the Supported Languages list.

  5. Click a language in the Supported Languages list to see the translation of the message in this language in the Translation box.

    Figure 3. View of the uploaded languages, and the default message with its translation

  6. Optional: Click Clear to clear the Supported Languages list. This action does not clear the default message.

  7. Click Save to save the messages that you uploaded, or Cancel to discard the changes and return to the console.

    If we modified the default message, then the new default message shows.

    Figure 4. Application Disabled message

    This figure displays the mobile device of the user, which shows the localized message. The title and the button caption are in English. If the locale does not supply any messages, the default message is returned.

Parent topic: Administer MobileFirst applications with operations console