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Commands for apps

When we invoke the wladm program, we can include various commands for apps.

The list apps command

The list apps command returns a list of the apps that are deployed in a runtime.


It takes the following arguments:

Argument Description
runtime-name Name of the runtime web application / MobileFirst project.

It takes the following options after the object:

Option Description
--xml Produce XML output instead of tabular output.

This command is based on the Applications (GET) REST service.

The deploy app command

The deploy app command deploys an app (possibly with multiple environments) in a runtime.


It takes the following arguments:

Argument Description
runtime-name Name of the runtime web application / MobileFirst project.
file Binary app file (.wlapp, not .apk or .ipa)


This command is based on the Application (POST) REST service.

The show app command

The show app command shows details about an app in a runtime, in particular its environments and versions.


It takes the following arguments:

Argument Description
runtime-name Name of the runtime web application / MobileFirst project.
app-name Name of an app

It takes the following options after the object:

Option Description
--xml Produce XML output instead of tabular output.

This command is based on the Application (GET) REST service.

The delete app command

The delete app command removes (undeploys) an app (from all environments, and all versions) from a runtime.


It takes the following arguments:

Argument Description
runtime-name Name of the runtime web application / MobileFirst project.
app-name Name of an app


This command is based on the Application (DELETE) REST service.

The delete app version command

The delete app version command removes (undeploys) an app version from a runtime.


It takes the following arguments:

Argument Description
runtime-name Name of the runtime web application / MobileFirst project.
app-name Name of an app
environment Mobile platform
version Version of the app


This command is based on the App Version (DELETE) REST service.

The app version command prefix

The app version command prefix takes the following arguments before the verb:

Argument Description
runtime-name Name of the runtime web application / MobileFirst project.
app-name Name of an app
environment Mobile platform
version Version of the app

The app version get binary command

The app version get binary command returns the binary wlapp file for a version of an app.


It takes the following arguments after the verb:

Argument Description Required Default
> tofile Name of the output file. No Standard output


This command is based on the Application Binary (GET, HEAD) REST service.

The app version get accessrule command

The app version get accessrule command returns the access rule for an app version.



This command is based on the Application (GET) REST service.

The app version set accessrule command

The app version set accessrule command changes the access rule for an app version.


It takes the following arguments after the verb:

Argument Description
file Name of the input file.


This command is based on the App Version Access Rule (PUT) REST service.

The app version get authenticitycheckrule command

The app version get authenticitycheckrule command returns the authenticity check rule for an app version.



This command is based on the Application (GET) REST service.

The app version set authenticitycheckrule command

The app version set authenticitycheckrule command changes the authenticity check rule for an app version.


It takes the following arguments after the verb:

Argument Description
action Action to perform for authenticity checking

The possible actions are:


This command is based on the App Version Authenticity Check (PUT) REST service.

The app version get lock command

The app version get lock command returns information about whether an app version is locked or unlocked.



This command is based on the Application (GET) REST service.

The app version set lock command

The app version set lock command sets an app version to locked or unlocked state.


It takes the following arguments after the verb:

Argument Description
lock New lock state.
The possible lock values are true and false.


This command is based on the App Version Lock (PUT) REST service.

Parent topic: Administer MobileFirst applications through the command line