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FFDC configuration for XMS .NET applications

For the .NET implementation of XMS, one FFDC file is produced for each FFDC.

First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) files are stored in human readable text files. These files have names of the form xmsffdcprocessID_DateTTimestamp.txt. An example of a file name is xmsffdc264_2006.01.06T13.18.52.990955.txt. The timestamp contains microseconds resolution.

Files start with the date and time that the exception occurred, followed by the exception type. The files include a unique short probeId, which can be used to locate where this FFDC occurred.

You do not need to carry out any configuration to turn on FFDC. By default, all FFDC files are written to the current directory. However, if required, we can specify a different directory by changing ffdcDirectory in the Trace section of the application configuration file. In the following example, all trace files are logged to the directory c:client\ffdc:.

       <Trace ffdc=true ffdcDirectory="c:\client\ffdc"/>

We can disable trace by setting FFDC to false in the Trace section of the application configuration file.

If we are not using an application configuration file, FFDC is on and trace is off.

Parent topic: First Failure Support Technology (FFST)

Last updated: 2020-10-04