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The SelectionString must be specified according to the description of how to use an MQCHARV structure. Examples of why this error was returned:

  • SelectionString.VSLength is greater than zero, but SelectionString.VSOffset is zero and SelectionString.VSPtr is a null pointer.
  • SelectionString.VSOffset is nonzero and SelectionString.VSPtr is not the null pointer (that is, it appears both fields are being used where only one is allowed).
  • SelectionString.VSPtr is not a valid pointer.
  • SelectionString.VSOffset or SelectionString.VSPtr points to storage that is not accessible.
  • SelectionString.VSLength exceeds the maximum length allowed for this field. The maximum length is determined by MQ_SELECTOR_LENGTH.

Completion code


Programmer response

Modify the fields of the MQCHARV so that it follows the rules for a valid MQCHARV structure.

Parent topic: API reason codes

Last updated: 2020-10-04