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An MQINQMP call was issued with the MQIMPO_CONVERT_VALUE option specified in the InqPropOpts parameter, but an error occurred during conversion of the value of the property. The property value is returned unconverted, the values of the ReturnedCCSID and ReturnedEncoding fields in the InqPropOpts parameter are set to those of the value returned.

Completion code


Programmer response

Check that the property value is correctly described by the ValueCCSID and ValueEncoding parameters that were specified when the property was set. Also check that these values, and the RequestedCCSID and RequestedEncoding specified in the InqPropOpts parameter of the MQINQMP call, are supported for IBM MQ conversion. If the required conversion is not supported, conversion must be carried out by the application.

Parent topic: API reason codes

Last updated: 2020-10-04