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An MQSUB call using the MQSO_DURABLE option failed. This can be for one of the following reasons:

  • The topic subscribed to is defined as DURSUB(NO).
  • The queue named SYSTEM.DURABLE.SUBSCRIBER.QUEUE is not available.
  • The topic subscribed to is defined as both MCAST(ONLY) and DURSUB(YES) (or DURSUB(ASPARENT) and the parent is DURSUB(YES)).

Completion code


Programmer response

Durable subscriptions are stored on the SYSTEM.DURABLE.SUBSCRIBER.QUEUE. Ensure that this queue is available for use. Possible reasons for failure include the queue being full, the queue being put inhibited, the queue not existing.

On z/OS, another possible reason for failure is that the page set the queue is defined to use does not exist.

If the topic subscribed to is defined as DURSUB(NO), either alter the administrative topic node to use DURSUB(YES) or use the MQSO_NON_DURABLE option instead.

If the topic subscribed to is defined as MCAST(ONLY) when using IBM MQ Multicast messaging, alter the topic to use DURSUB(NO).

Parent topic: API reason codes

Last updated: 2020-10-04