2363 (093B) (RC2363): MQRC_MSG_NOT_MATCHED
This reason code occurs only in the Reason field in an MQDLH structure, or in the Feedback field in the MQMD of a report message.
While performing Point-to-Point messaging, JMS encountered a message matching none of the selectors of ConnectionConsumers monitoring the queue. To maintain performance, the message was processed as specified by the disposition options in the Report field in the MQMD of the message.
If the Report field specifies one of the MQRO_EXCEPTION_* options, this reason code appears in the Feedback field of the report message. If the Report field specifies MQRO_DEAD_LETTER_Q, or the disposition report options remain at the default, this reason code appears in the Reason field of the MQDLH.
Completion code
Programmer response
To correct this, ensure that the ConnectionConsumers monitoring the queue provide a complete set of selectors. Alternatively, set the QueueConnectionFactory to retain messages.
Parent topic: API reason codes