2198 (0896) (RC2198): MQRC_DEF_XMIT_Q_TYPE_ERROR


An MQOPEN or MQPUT1 call was issued specifying a remote queue as the destination. Either a local definition of the remote queue was specified, or a queue manager alias was being resolved, but in either case the XmitQName attribute in the local definition is blank.

Because there is no transmission queue defined with the same name as the destination queue manager, the local queue manager has attempted to use the default transmission queue. However, although there is a queue defined by the DefXmitQName queue manager attribute, it is not a local queue.

Completion code


Programmer response

Do one of the following:

See XmitQName for more information about transmission queue names.

This reason code is also used to identify the corresponding event message Default Transmission Queue Type Errorr.

Parent topic: API reason codes