
On an MQGET call, with the MQGMO_CONVERT option included in the GetMsgOpts parameter, the Encoding value in the message being retrieved specifies an integer encoding that is not recognized. The message data is returned unconverted, the values of the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields in the MsgDesc parameter are set to those of the message returned, and the call completes with MQCC_WARNING.

If the message consists of several parts, each of which is described by its own CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields (for example, a message with format name MQFMT_DEAD_LETTER_HEADER), some parts may be converted and other parts not converted. However, the values returned in the various CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields always correctly describe the relevant message data.

This reason code can also occur on the MQXCNVC call, when the Options parameter contains an unsupported MQDCC_SOURCE_* value, or when MQDCC_SOURCE_ENC_UNDEFINED is specified for a UTF-16 code page.

Completion code


Programmer response

Check the integer encoding that was specified when the message was put. If this is correct, check that it is one for which queue manager conversion is supported. If queue manager conversion is not supported for the required integer encoding, conversion must be carried out by the application.

Parent topic: API reason codes