
An MQGET call was issued specifying MQGMO_SET_SIGNAL in the GetMsgOpts parameter, but no suitable message was available; the call returns immediately. The application can now wait for the signal to be delivered.

  • On z/OS, the application should wait on the Event Control Block pointed to by the Signal1 field.
  • On Windows, the application should wait for the signal Windows message to be delivered.

This reason code occurs only in z/OS and Windows.

Completion code


Programmer response

Wait for the signal; when it is delivered, check the signal to ensure that a message is now available. If it is, reissue the MQGET call.

  • On z/OS, wait on the ECB pointed to by the Signal1 field and, when it is posted, check it to ensure that a message is now available.
  • On Windows 95, Windows 98, the application (thread) should continue executing its message loop.

Parent topic: API reason codes