Loop detection fingerprint format

The loop detection fingerprints are inserted into an RFH2 header or flow as part of the Version 8.0 protocol. An RFH2 programmer needs to understand the header and pass on the fingerprint information intact. earlier versions of IBM Integration Bus use RFH1 headers which do not contain the fingerprint information.

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<ibm> is the name of the folder that holds the list of routing fingerprints containing the unique user identifier (uuid) of each queue manager that has been visited.

Every time that a message is published by a queue manager, it adds its uuid into the <ibm> folder using the <Rfp> (routing fingerprint) tag. Whenever a publication is received, IBM MQ uses the message properties API to iterate through the <Rfp> tags to see if that particular uuid value is present. Because of the way that the WebSphere Platform Messaging component of IBM MQ attaches to IBM Integration Bus through a channel and RFH2 subscription when using the queued publish/subscribe interface, IBM MQ also creates a fingerprint when it receives a publication by that route.

The goal is to not deliver any RFH2 to an application if it is not expecting any, simply because we have added in our fingerprint information.

Whenever an RFH2 is converted into message properties, it will also be necessary to convert the <ibm> folder; this removes the fingerprint information from the RFH2 that is passed on or delivered to applications that have used the IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, API.

JMS applications do not see the fingerprint information, because the JMS interface does not extract that information from the RFH2, and therefore does not hand it on to its applications.

The Rfp message properties are created with propDesc.CopyOptions = MQCOPY_FORWARD and MQCOPY_PUBLISH. This has implications for applications receiving and then republishing the same message. It means that such an application can continue the chain of routing fingerprints by using PutMsgOpts.Action = MQACTP_FORWARD, but must be coded appropriately to remove its own fingerprint from the chain. By default the application uses PutMsgOpts.Action = MQACTP_NEW and starts a new chain.

Parent topic: Loop detection in a distributed publish/subscribe network