Configure CORS for the REST API
By default, a web browser does not allow scripts, such as JavaScript, to invoke the REST API when the script is not from the same origin as the REST API. That is, cross-origin requests are not enabled. We can configure Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to allow cross-origin requests from specified origins.
We can access the REST API through a web browser, for example through a script. As these requests are from a different origin to the REST API, the web browser refuses the request because it is a cross-origin request. The origin is different if the domain, port, or scheme is not the same.
For example, if you have a script that is hosted at http://localhost:1999/ you make a cross-origin request if we issue an HTTP GET on a website that is hosted at https://localhost:9443/. This request is a cross-origin request because the port numbers and scheme (HTTP) are different.
We can enable cross-origin requests by configuring CORS and specifying the origins that are allowed to access the REST API.
For more information about CORS, see and
View the current configuration by entering the following command:
dspmqweb properties -a
The mqRestCorsAllowedOrigins entry specifies the allowed origins. The mqRestCorsMaxAgeInSeconds entry specifies the time, in seconds, that the web browser can cache the results of any CORS pre-flight checks.
Specify the origins that are allowed to access the REST API by entering the following command:
setmqweb properties -k mqRestCorsAllowedOrigins -v allowedOrigins
where allowedOrigins specifies the origin that we want to allow cross-origin requests from. We can use an asterisk surrounded by double quotation marks, "*", to allow all cross-origin requests. We can enter more than one origin in a comma-separated list, surrounded by double quotation marks. To allow no cross-origin requests, enter empty quotation marks as the value for allowedOrigins.
Specify the time, in seconds, that we want to allow a web browser to cache the results of any
CORS pre-flight checks by entering the following command:
setmqweb properties -k mqRestCorsMaxAgeInSeconds -v time
The following example shows cross-origin requests enabled for http://localhost:9883, https://localhost:1999, and https://localhost:9663. The maximum age of cached results of any CORS pre-flight checks is set to 90 seconds:setmqweb properties -k mqRestCorsAllowedOrigins -v "http://localhost:9883,https://localhost:1999,https://localhost:9663" setmqweb properties -k mqRestCorsMaxAgeInSeconds -v 90Parent topic: IBM MQ Console and REST API security