User scenarios

Familiarize yourself with possible scenarios to understand what business goals we can achieve with Advanced Message Security.

  • Quick Start Guide for AMS on Windows platforms
    Use this guide to quickly configure Advanced Message Security to provide message security on Windows platforms. By the time you complete it, we will have created a key database to verify user identities, and defined signing/encryption policies for the queue manager.
  • Quick Start Guide for AMS on UNIX
    Use this guide to quickly configure Advanced Message Security to provide message security on UNIX. By the time you complete it, we will have created a key database to verify user identities, and defined signing/encryption policies for the queue manager.
  • Example configurations on z/OS
    This section provides example configurations of policies and certificates for Advanced Message Security queuing scenarios on z/OS .
  • Quick Start Guide for AMS with Java clients
    Use this guide to quickly configure Advanced Message Security to provide message security for Java applications connecting using client bindings. By the time you complete it, we will have created a keystore to verify user identities, and defined signing/encryption policies for the queue manager.
  • Protecting remote queues
    To fully protect remote queues, policies must be set on the remote queue and local queue to which messages are transmitted.
  • Routing protected messages using IBM Integration Bus
    Advanced Message Security can protect messages in an infrastructure where IBM Integration Bus, or WebSphere Message Broker Version (or later) is installed. We should understand the nature of both products before applying security in the IBM Integration Bus environment.
  • Use Advanced Message Security with Managed File Transfer
    This scenario explains how to configure Advanced Message Security to provide message privacy for data being sent through a Managed File Transfer.

Parent topic: Overview of Advanced Message Security