Granting limited administrative access to some topics
Grant partial administrative access to some topics on a queue manager, to each group of users with a business need for it.
To grant limited administrative access to some topics for some actions, use the appropriate
commands for the operating system. On the following platforms, we can also use the
SET AUTHREC command:
- IBM i
- Linux
- Windows
Note: On IBM MQ Appliance we can use
only the SET AUTHREC command.
For UNIX, Linux, and Windows
systems, issue the following command:
setmqaut -m QMgrName -n ObjectProfile -t topic -g GroupName ReqdAction
For IBM i, issue the following command:
GRTMQMAUT OBJ(' ObjectProfile ') OBJTYPE(*TOPIC) USER(GroupName) AUT(ReqdAction) MQMNAME(' QMgrName ')
For z/OS, issue the following
These commands grant access to the specified topic. To determine which MQSC commands the user can perform on the topic, issue the following commands for each MQSC command:RDEFINE MQCMDS QMgrName. ReqdAction.TOPIC UACC(NONE) PERMIT QMgrName. ReqdAction.TOPIC CLASS(MQCMDS) ID(GroupName) ACCESS(ALTER)
To permit the user to use the DISPLAY TOPIC command, issue the following commands:RDEFINE MQCMDS QMgrName.DISPLAY.TOPIC UACC(NONE) PERMIT QMgrName.DISPLAY.TOPIC CLASS(MQCMDS) ID(GroupName) ACCESS(READ)
The variable names have the following meanings:- QMgrName
- The name of the queue manager.
On z/OS, this value can also be the name of a queue sharing group.
- ObjectProfile
- The name of the object or generic profile for which to change authorizations.
- GroupName
- The name of the group to be granted access.
- ReqdAction
- The action we are allowing the group to take:
- On UNIX, Linux, and Windows systems, any combination of the following authorizations: +chg, +clr, +crt, +dlt, +dsp. +ctrl. The authorization +alladm is equivalent to +chg +clr +dlt +dsp.
- On IBM i, any combination of the following authorizations: *ADMCHG, *ADMCLR, *ADMCRT, *ADMDLT, *ADMDSP, *CTRL. The authorization *ALLADM is equivalent to all these individual authorizations.
- On z/OS, one of the values ALTER, CLEAR, DEFINE, DELETE, or MOVE.
Parent topic: Granting required access to resources