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import java.util.Map;

 * A specification of the file names to use for a file transfer, as evaluated by the
 * agent acting as the source of the transfer.
public final class SourceFileExitFileSpecification {

	private final String sourceFileSpecification;
	private final String destinationFileSpecification;
	private final Map<String, String> sourceFileMetaData;
	private final Map<String, String> destinationFileMetaData;

	 * Constructor.  Creates a source file exit file specification.
	 * @param sourceFileSpecification
	 *            the source file specification to associate with the source file
	 *            exit file specification.
	 * @param destinationFileSpecification
	 *            the destination file specification to associate with the
	 *            source file exit file specification.
	 * @param sourceFileMetaData
	 *            the source file meta data.
	 * @param destinationFileMetaData
	 *            the destination file meta data   .        
	public SourceFileExitFileSpecification(final String sourceFileSpecification,
	                         	           final String destinationFileSpecification,
	                         	           final Map<String, String> sourceFileMetaData,
	                         	           final Map<String, String> destinationFileMetaData) {
		this.sourceFileSpecification = sourceFileSpecification;
		this.destinationFileSpecification = destinationFileSpecification;
		this.sourceFileMetaData = sourceFileMetaData;
		this.destinationFileMetaData = destinationFileMetaData;

	 * Returns the destination file specification.
	 * @return    the destination file specification.  This represents the location,
	 *            on the agent acting as the destination for the transfer, where the
	 *            file should be written.  Exit routines installed into the agent 
	 *            acting as the destination for the transfer may override this value. 
	public String getDestination() {
		return destinationFileSpecification;

	 * Returns the source file specification.
	 * @return    the source file specification.  This represents the location where
	 *            the file data will be read from.
	public String getSource() {
		return sourceFileSpecification;

	 * Returns the file meta data that relates to the source file specification.
	 * @return the file meta data that relates to the source file specification.
	public Map<String, String> getSourceFileMetaData() {
		return sourceFileMetaData;

	 * Returns the file meta data that relates to the destination file specification.
	 * @return the file meta data that relates to the destination file specification.
	public Map<String, String> getDestinationFileMetaData() {
		return destinationFileMetaData;
Parent topic: Java interfaces for MFT user exits

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