A map message is a message whose body comprises a set of name-value pairs, where each value has an associated data type.
- Inheritance hierarchy:
IBM.XMS.IPropertyContext | +----IBM.XMS.IMessage | +----IBM.XMS.IMapMessage
When an application gets the value of name-value pair, the value can be converted by XMS into another data type. For more information about this form of implicit conversion, see the information about map messages in The body of an XMS message.
Parent topic: .NET interfaces.NET properties
- Summary of .NET properties:
.NET property Description MapNames Get an enumeration of the names in the body of the map message.
Get an enumeration
of the names in the body of the map message.
Get the boolean value
identified by name from the body of the map message.
Get the byte identified
by name from the body of the map message.
Get the array of
bytes identified by name from the body of the map message.
Get the character
identified by name from the body of the map message.
Get the double precision
floating point number identified by name from the body of the map
Get the floating
point number identified by name from the body of the map message.
Get the integer identified
by name from the body of the map message.
Get the long integer
identified by name from the body of the map message.
Get a reference to
the value of a name-value pair, from the body of the map message. The
name-value pair is identified by name.
Get the short integer
identified by name from the body of the map message.
Get the string identified
by name from the body of the map message.
Check whether the
body of the map message contains a name-value pair with the specified
Set a boolean value
in the body of the map message.
Set a byte in the
body of the map message.
Set an array of bytes
in the body of the map message.
Set a 2-byte character
in the body of the map message.
Set a double precision
floating point number in the body of the map message.
Set a floating point
number in the body of the map message.
Set an integer in the
body of the map message.
Set a long integer
in the body of the map message.
Set a value, which
must be an XMS primitive type, in the body of the map message.
Set a short integer
in the body of the map message.
Set a string in
the body of the map message.
The following methods are inherited from the IMessage interface:
The following methods are inherited from the IPropertyContext interface:
MapNames - Get Map Names
System.Collections.IEnumerator MapNames
Get the boolean value
identified by name from the body of the map message.
Get the byte identified
by name from the body of the map message.
Get the array of
bytes identified by name from the body of the map message.
Get the character
identified by name from the body of the map message.
Get the double precision
floating point number identified by name from the body of the map
Get the floating
point number identified by name from the body of the map message.
Get the integer identified
by name from the body of the map message.
Get the long integer
identified by name from the body of the map message.
Get a reference to
the value of a name-value pair, from the body of the map message.
Get the short integer
identified by name from the body of the map message.
Get the string identified
by name from the body of the map message.
Check whether the
body of the map message contains a name-value pair with the specified
Set a boolean value
in the body of the map message.
Set a byte in the
body of the map message.
Set an array of bytes
in the body of the map message.
Set a 2-byte character
in the body of the map message.
Set a double precision
floating point number in the body of the map message.
Set a floating point
number in the body of the map message.
Set an integer in the
body of the map message.
Set a long integer
in the body of the map message.
Set a value, which
must be an XMS primitive type, in the body of the map message.
Set a short integer
in the body of the map message.
Set a string in
the body of the map message.
GetBoolean - Get Boolean Value
Boolean GetBoolean(String name);
GetByte - Get Byte
Byte GetByte(String name);
Int16 GetSignedByte(String name);
GetBytes - Get Bytes
Byte[] GetBytes(String name);
GetChar - Get Character
Char GetChar(String name);
GetDouble - Get Double Precision Floating Point Number
Double GetDouble(String name);
GetFloat - Get Floating Point Number
Single GetFloat(String name);
GetInt - Get Integer
Int32 GetInt(String name);
GetLong - Get Long Integer
Int64 GetLong(String name);
GetObject - Get Object
Object GetObject(String name);
GetShort - Get Short Integer
Int16 GetShort(String name);
GetString - Get String
String GetString(String name);
ItemExists - Check Name-Value Pair Exists
Boolean ItemExists(String name);
SetBoolean - Set Boolean Value
void SetBoolean(String name, Boolean value);
SetByte - Set Byte
void SetByte(String name, Byte value);
void SetSignedByte(String name, Int16 value);
SetBytes - Set Bytes
void SetBytes(String name, Byte[] value);
SetChar - Set Character
void SetChar(String name, Char value);
SetDouble - Set Double Precision Floating Point Number
void SetDouble(String name, Double value);
SetFloat - Set Floating Point Number
void SetFloat(String name, Single value);
SetInt - Set Integer
void SetInt(String name, Int32 value);
SetLong - Set Long Integer
void SetLong(String name, Int64 value);
SetObject - Set Object
void SetObject(String name, Object value);
SetShort - Set Short Integer
void SetShort(String name, Int16 value);
SetString - Set String
void SetString(String name, String value);
Inherited properties and methods
The following properties are inherited from the IMessage interface: