REST API resources
This collection of topics provides reference information for each of the messaging REST API resources.
For more information about using the messaging REST API, see Messaging using the REST API.
- /messaging/qmgr/{qmgrName}/queue/{queueName}/message
The messaging REST API allows messages to be put to a queue, or messages to be browsed or destructively got from a queue, using the /messaging/qmgr/{qmgrName}/queue/{queueName}/message resource. - /messaging/qmgr/{qmgrName}/queue/{queueName}/messagelist
We can use the HTTP GET method with the /messaging/qmgr/{qmgrName}/queue/{queueName}/messagelist resource to get a list of available messages from the specified queue on the specified queue manager. - /messaging/qmgr/{qmgrName}/topic/{topicString}/message
We can use the HTTP POST method with the /messaging/qmgr/{qmgrName}/topic/{topicString}/message resource to publish messages to the specified topic on the specified queue manager. - /login
We can use the HTTP GET method together with the login resource to get information about the user that is logged in. We can use the HTTP POST method to log in a user and get an LTPA token and a CSRF token. We can use the HTTP DELETE method to log out a user and end the session.
Parent topic: Messaging REST API reference