MQZFP - Free parameters

The MQZFP structure is used on the MQZ_FREE_USER call for the FreeParms parameter. This parameter specifies data related to resource to be freed.

Table 1. summarizes the fields in the structure.

Field Description
StrucId Structure identifier
Version Version
Reserved Reserved field
CorrelationPtr Correlation pointer


    Type: MQCHAR4 - input Structure identifier. The value is as follows:

      Identifier for identity context structure. For the C programming language, the constant MQZIC_STRUC_ID_ARRAY is also defined; this has the same value as MQZIC_STRUC_ID, but is an array of characters instead of a string.

    Type: MQLONG - input Structure version number. The value is as follows:

      Version-1 free parameters structure.

    The following constant specifies the version number of the current version:

      Current version of free parameters structure.

    Type: MQBYTE8 - input

    Reserved field. The initial value is null.

    Type: MQPTR - input

    Correlation pointer. Address of correlation data relating to the resource to be freed.

C declaration

typedef struct tagMQZFP MQZFP;
struct tagMQZFP {
  MQCHAR4   StrucId;          /* Structure identifier */
  MQLONG    Version;          /* Structure version number */
  MQBYTE8   Reserved;         /* Reserved field */
  MQPTR     CorrelationPtr;   /* Address of correlation data */
Parent topic: Installable services interface reference information