System/390 assembler declaration

This declaration is the System/390 assembler declaration for the MQCXP structure.

MQCXP                   DSECT
MQCXP_STRUCID           DS   CL4   Structure identifier
MQCXP_VERSION           DS   F     Structure version number
MQCXP_EXITID            DS   F     Type of exit
MQCXP_EXITREASON        DS   F     Reason for invoking exit
MQCXP_EXITRESPONSE      DS   F     Response from exit
MQCXP_EXITRESPONSE2     DS   F     Secondary response from exit
MQCXP_FEEDBACK          DS   F     Feedback code
MQCXP_MAXSEGMENTLENGTH  DS   F     Maximum segment length
MQCXP_EXITUSERAREA      DS   XL16  Exit user area
MQCXP_EXITDATA          DS   CL32  Exit data
MQCXP_MSGRETRYCOUNT     DS   F     Number of times the message has been
*                                  retried
MQCXP_MSGRETRYINTERVAL  DS   F     Minimum interval in milliseconds
*                                  after which the put operation should
*                                  be retried
MQCXP_MSGRETRYREASON    DS   F     Reason code from previous attempt to
*                                  put the message
MQCXP_HEADERLENGTH      DS   F     Length of header information
MQCXP_PARTNERNAME       DS   CL48  Partner Name
MQCXP_FAPLEVEL          DS   F     Negotiated Formats and Protocols
*                                  level
MQCXP_CAPABILITYFLAGS   DS   F     Capability flags
MQCXP_EXITNUMBER        DS   F     Exit number
MQCXP_EXITSPACE         DS   F     Number of bytes in transmission
*                                  buffer reserved for exit to use
MQCXP_SSLCERTUSERID     DS   CL12  User identifier associated with
*                                  remote TLS certificate 
MQCXP_SSLREMCERTISSNAMELENGTH   DS   F     Length of distinguished name
*                                  of issuer of remote TLS certificate 
MQCXP_SSLREMCERTISSNAMEPTR      DS   F     Address of distinguished name
*                                  of issuer of remote TLS certificate 
MQCXP_SECURITYPARMS     DS   F    Address of security parameters 
MQCXP_CURHDRCOMPRESSION         DS   F     Header data compression used for
*                                  current message 
MQCXP_CURMSGCOMPRESSION         DS   F      Message data compression used for
*                                  current message 
MQCXP_HCONN             DS   F Connection handle
MQCXP_SHARINGCONVERSATIONS      DS   F Multiple conversations possible on 
*                                  channel inst? 
MQCXP_MCAUSERSOURCE     DS   F    Source of the provided MCA user ID
MQCXP_RPRODUCT          DS   CL4  Identifer of the remote product
MQCXP_RVERSION          DS   CL8  Identifer of the remote version      

                        ORG  MQCXP
Parent topic: MQCXP - Channel exit parameter