System/390 assembler declaration

This declaration is the System/390 assembler declaration for the MQCD structure.

MQCD                         DSECT
MQCD_CHANNELNAME             DS   CL20   Channel definition name
MQCD_VERSION                 DS   F      Structure version number
MQCD_CHANNELTYPE             DS   F      Channel type
MQCD_TRANSPORTTYPE           DS   F      Transport type
MQCD_DESC                    DS   CL64   Channel description
MQCD_QMGRNAME                DS   CL48   Queue manager name
MQCD_XMITQNAME               DS   CL48   Transmission queue name
MQCD_SHORTCONNECTIONNAME     DS   CL20   First 20 bytes of connection
*                                        name
MQCD_MCANAME                 DS   CL20   Reserved
MQCD_MODENAME                DS   CL8    LU 6.2 Mode name
MQCD_TPNAME                  DS   CL64   LU 6.2 transaction program name
MQCD_BATCHSIZE               DS   F      Batch size
MQCD_DISCINTERVAL            DS   F      Disconnect interval
MQCD_SHORTRETRYCOUNT         DS   F      Short retry count
MQCD_SHORTRETRYINTERVAL      DS   F      Short retry wait interval
MQCD_LONGRETRYCOUNT          DS   F      Long retry count
MQCD_LONGRETRYINTERVAL       DS   F      Long retry wait interval
MQCD_SECURITYEXIT            DS   CLn    Channel security exit name
MQCD_MSGEXIT                 DS   CLn    Channel message exit name
MQCD_SENDEXIT                DS   CLn    Channel send exit name
MQCD_RECEIVEEXIT             DS   CLn    Channel receive exit name
MQCD_SEQNUMBERWRAP           DS   F      Highest allowable message
*                                        sequence number
MQCD_MAXMSGLENGTH            DS   F      Maximum message length
MQCD_PUTAUTHORITY            DS   F      Put authority
MQCD_DATACONVERSION          DS   F      Data conversion
MQCD_SECURITYUSERDATA        DS   CL32   Channel security exit user data
MQCD_MSGUSERDATA             DS   CL32   Channel message exit user data
MQCD_SENDUSERDATA            DS   CL32   Channel send exit user data
MQCD_RECEIVEUSERDATA         DS   CL32   Channel receive exit user data
MQCD_USERIDENTIFIER          DS   CL12   User identifier
MQCD_PASSWORD                DS   CL12   Password
MQCD_MCAUSERIDENTIFIER       DS   CL12   First 12 bytes of MCA user
*                                        identifier
MQCD_MCATYPE                 DS   F      Message channel agent type
MQCD_CONNECTIONNAME          DS   CL264  Connection name
MQCD_REMOTEUSERIDENTIFIER    DS   CL12   First 12 bytes of user
*                                        identifier from partner
MQCD_REMOTEPASSWORD          DS   CL12   Password from partner
MQCD_MSGRETRYEXIT            DS   CLn    Channel message retry exit name
MQCD_MSGRETRYUSERDATA        DS   CL32   Channel message retry exit user
*                                        data
MQCD_MSGRETRYCOUNT           DS   F      Number of times MCA will try to
*                                        put the message, after the
*                                        first attempt has failed
MQCD_MSGRETRYINTERVAL        DS   F      Minimum interval in
*                                        milliseconds after which the
*                                        open or put operation will be
*                                        retried
MQCD_HEARTBEATINTERVAL       DS   F      Time in seconds between
*                                        heartbeat flows
MQCD_BATCHINTERVAL           DS   F      Batch duration
MQCD_NONPERSISTENTMSGSPEED   DS   F      Speed at which nonpersistent
*                                        messages are sent
MQCD_STRUCLENGTH             DS   F      Length of MQCD structure
MQCD_EXITNAMELENGTH          DS   F      Length of exit name
MQCD_EXITDATALENGTH          DS   F      Length of exit user data
MQCD_MSGEXITSDEFINED         DS   F      Number of message exits defined
MQCD_SENDEXITSDEFINED        DS   F      Number of send exits defined
MQCD_RECEIVEEXITSDEFINED     DS   F      Number of receive exits defined
MQCD_MSGEXITPTR              DS   F      Address of first MSGEXIT field
MQCD_MSGUSERDATAPTR          DS   F      Address of first MSGUSERDATA
*                                        field
MQCD_SENDEXITPTR             DS   F      Address of first SENDEXIT field
MQCD_SENDUSERDATAPTR         DS   F      Address of first SENDUSERDATA
*                                        field
MQCD_RECEIVEEXITPTR          DS   F      Address of first RECEIVEEXIT
*                                        field
MQCD_RECEIVEUSERDATAPTR      DS   F      Address of first
*                                        RECEIVEUSERDATA field
MQCD_CLUSTERPTR              DS   F      Address of a list of cluster
*                                        names
MQCD_CLUSTERSDEFINED         DS   F      Number of clusters to which the
*                                        channel belongs
MQCD_NETWORKPRIORITY         DS   F      Network priority
MQCD_LONGMCAUSERIDLENGTH     DS   F      Length of long MCA user
*                                        identifier
MQCD_LONGREMOTEUSERIDLENGTH  DS   F      Length of long remote user
*                                        identifier
MQCD_LONGMCAUSERIDPTR        DS   F      Address of long MCA user
*                                        identifier
MQCD_LONGREMOTEUSERIDPTR     DS   F      Address of long remote user
*                                        identifier
MQCD_MCASECURITYID           DS   XL40   MCA security identifier
MQCD_REMOTESECURITYID        DS   XL40   Remote security identifier
MQCD_SSLCIPHERSPEC           DS   CL32   TLS CipherSpec
MQCD_SSLPEERNAMEPTR          DS   F      Address of TLS peer name
MQCD_SSLPEERNAMELENGTH       DS   F      Length of TLS peer name
MQCD_SSLCLIENTAUTH           DS   F      Whether TLS client
*                                        authentication is required
MQCD_KEEPALIVEINTERVAL       DS   F      Keepalive interval
MQCD_LOCALADDRESS            DS   CL48   Local communications address
MQCD_BATCHHEARTBEAT          DS   F      Batch heartbeat interval
MQCD_HDRCOMPLIST             DS   CL2    Header data compression list
MQCD_MSGCOMPLIST             DS   CL16   Message data compression list 
MQCD_CLWLCHANNELRANK         DS   F      Channel rank
MQCD_CLWLCHANNELPRIORITY     DS   F      Channel priority
MQCD_CLWLCHANNELWEIGHT       DS   F      Channel weight
MQCD_CHANNELMONITORING       DS   F      Channel monitoring
MQCD_CHANNELSTATISTICS       DS   F      Channel statistics
MQCD_SHARINGCONVERSATIONS    DS   F      Limit on sharing 
*                                        conversations
MQCD_PROPERTYCONTROL         DS   F      Message property
*                                        control
MQCD_SHARINGCONVERSATIONS    DS   F      Limit on sharing conversations
MQCD_PROPERTYCONTROL         DS   F      Message property control
MQCD_MAXINSTANCES            DS   F      Limit on SVRCONN chl instances
                                         per client
MQCD_CLIENTCHANNELWEIGHT     DS   F      Channel weight
MQCD_CONNECTIONAFFINITY      DS   F      Connection Affinty
MQCD_BATCHDATALIMIT          DS   F      Batch data limit
MQCD_USEDLQ                  DS   F      Use dead-letter queue
MQCD_DEFRECONNECT            DS   F      Default client reconnect option
MQCD_CERTLABL                DS   F      Certificate label
MQCD_SPLPROTECTION           DS   F      AMS Security policy protection 
MQCD_LENGTH                  EQU  *-MQCD
                             ORG  MQCD
MQCD_AREA                    DS   CL(MQCD_LENGTH)
Parent topic: MQCD - Channel definition