MsgRetryInterval (MQLONG)

This field specifies the minimum interval in milliseconds after which the open or put operation is retried.

The effect of this attribute depends on whether MsgRetryExit is blank or nonblank:

  • If MsgRetryExit is blank, the MsgRetryInterval attribute specifies the minimum period that the MCA waits before retrying a message, if the first MQOPEN or MQPUT fails with completion code MQCC_FAILED. A value of zero means that the retry will be performed as soon as possible after the previous attempt. Retries are performed only if MsgRetryCount is greater than zero.

    This attribute is also used as the wait time if the message-retry exit returns an invalid value in the MsgRetryInterval field in MQCXP.

  • If MsgRetryExit is not blank, the MsgRetryInterval attribute does not affect the MCA; instead it is the message-retry exit which determines how long the MCA waits. The MsgRetryInterval attribute is made available to the exit in the MQCD structure, but the exit it not required to honor it.

The value is in the range 0 through 999 999 999.

This field is relevant only for channels with a ChannelType of MQCHT_REQUESTER, MQCHT_RECEIVER, or MQCHT_CLUSRCVR.

This field is not present when Version is less than MQCD_VERSION_3.

The following fields in this structure are not present if Version is less than MQCD_VERSION_4.

Parent topic: Fields