MaxInstancesPerClient (MQLONG)

This field specifies the maximum number of simultaneous instances of an individual server-connection channel that can be started from a single client.

In this context, connections that originate from the same remote network address are regarded as coming from the same client.

This field is used only on server-connection channels.

The field can have a value in the range 0 - 999 999 999. A value of zero prevents all client access.

The default value of this field is 999 999 999.

If the value of this field is reduced to a number that is less than the number of instances of the server-connection channel that are currently running from individual clients, then those running instances are not affected. However, new instances from any of those clients cannot start until sufficient existing instances have ceased to run such that the number of currently running instances, originating from the client attempting to start a new one, is less than the value of the field.

Parent topic: Fields