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TraceRouteRecording (10-digit signed integer) on IBM i

This controls whether information about messages is recorded as they flow through a queue manager.

The value is one of the following:

  • RECDD: no appending to trace route messages is allowed
  • RECDQ: messages are put onto a fixed named queue
  • RECDM: determine using message (this is the initial default setting)

To prevent the trace route message from remaining in the system, set an expiry value on it that is greater than zero, and specify the RODISC report option. To prevent report or reply messages remaining in the system, set the report option ROPDAE. For more information, see Report options and message flags on IBM i.

To determine the value of this attribute, use the IATRGI selector with the MQINQ call.

Parent topic: Attributes for the queue manager on IBM i

Last updated: 2020-10-04