Attributes for namelists

This topic summarizes the attributes that are specific to namelists. The attributes are described in alphabetical order.

Note: The names of the attributes shown are the names used with the MQINQ and MQSET calls.

Attribute descriptions

A namelist object has the following attributes:

    AlterationDate (12-byte character string)

    Date when definition was last changed.

    This is the date when the definition was last changed. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD, padded with two trailing blanks to make the length 12 bytes.

    To determine the value of this attribute, use the CAALTD selector with the MQINQ call. The length of this attribute is given by LNDATE.

    AlterationTime (8-byte character string)

    Time when definition was last changed.

    This is the time when the definition was last changed. The format of the time is HH.MM.SS.

    To determine the value of this attribute, use the CAALTT selector with the MQINQ call. The length of this attribute is given by LNTIME.

    NameCount (10-digit signed integer)

    Number of names in namelist.

    This is greater than or equal to zero. The following value is defined:

      Maximum number of names in a namelist.

    To determine the value of this attribute, use the IANAMC selector with the MQINQ call.

    NamelistDesc (64-byte character string)

    Namelist description.

    This is a field that might be used for descriptive commentary; its value is established by the definition process. The content of the field is of no significance to the queue manager, but the queue manager might require that the field contains only characters that can be displayed. It cannot contain any null characters; if necessary, it is padded to the right with blanks. In a DBCS installation, this field can contain DBCS characters (subject to a maximum field length of 64 bytes).

    Note: If this field contains characters that are not in the queue manager's character set (as defined by the CodedCharSetId queue manager attribute), those characters might be translated incorrectly if this field is sent to another queue manager.

    To determine the value of this attribute, use the CALSTD selector with the MQINQ call.

    The length of this attribute is given by LNNLD.

    NamelistName (48-byte character string)

    Namelist name.

    This is the name of a namelist that is defined on the local queue manager.

    Each namelist has a name that is different from the names of other namelists belonging to the queue manager, but might duplicate the names of other queue manager objects of different types (for example, queues).

    To determine the value of this attribute, use the CALSTN selector with the MQINQ call.

    The length of this attribute is given by LNNLN.

    Names (48-byte character string x NameCount)

    A list of NameCount names.

    Each name is the name of an object that is defined to the local queue manager. For more information about object names, see Naming IBM MQ objects.

    To determine the value of this attribute, use the CANAMS selector with the MQINQ call.

    The length of each name in the list is given by LNOBJN.

Parent topic: Attributes of objects on IBM i