DefPersistence (10-digit signed integer) on IBM i

Default message persistence.

Local Model Alias Remote Cluster

This is the default persistence of messages on the queue. It applies if PEQDEF is specified in the message descriptor when the message is put.

If there is more than one definition in the queue-name resolution path, the default persistence is taken from the value of this attribute in the first definition in the path at the time of the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call. This could be:

  • An alias queue
  • A local queue
  • A local definition of a remote queue
  • A queue manager alias
  • A transmission queue (for example, the DefXmitQName queue)

This can have one of the following values:

    Message is persistent. This means that the message survives system failures and restarts of the queue manager. Persistent messages cannot be placed on:

    Persistent messages can be placed on permanent dynamic queues, and predefined queues.

    Message is not persistent.

    This means that the message does not normally survive system failures or restarts of the queue manager. This applies even if an intact copy of the message is found on auxiliary storage during restart of the queue manager.

    In the special case of shared queues, nonpersistent messages do survive restarts of queue managers in the queue sharing group, but do not survive failures of the coupling facility used to store messages on the shared queues.

Both persistent and nonpersistent messages can exist on the same queue.

To determine the value of this attribute, use the IADPER selector with the MQINQ call.

Parent topic: Attributes for queues