CurrentQDepth (10-digit signed integer) on IBM i

Current queue depth.

Local Model Alias Remote Cluster

This is the number of messages currently on the queue. It is incremented during an MQPUT call, and during backout of an MQGET call. It is decremented during a nonbrowse MQGET call, and during backout of an MQPUT call. The effect of this is that the count includes messages that have been put on the queue within a unit of work, but which have not yet been committed, even though they are not eligible to be retrieved by the MQGET call. Similarly, it excludes messages that have been retrieved within a unit of work using the MQGET call, but which have yet to be committed.

The count also includes messages which have passed their expiry time but have not yet been discarded, although these messages are not eligible to be retrieved. See the MDEXP field described in MQMD (Message descriptor) on IBM i.

Unit-of-work processing and the segmentation of messages can both cause CurrentQDepth to exceed MaxQDepth. However, this does not affect the retrievability of the messages - all messages on the queue can be retrieved using the MQGET call in the normal way.

The value of this attribute fluctuates as the queue manager operates.

To determine the value of this attribute, use the IACDEP selector with the MQINQ call.

Parent topic: Attributes for queues