Elementary data types

All of the other data types described in this section equate either directly to these elementary data types, or to aggregates of these elementary data types (arrays or structures).

Data type Representation
MQBOOL 10-digit signed integer
MQBYTE 1-byte alphanumeric field
MQBYTE16 16-byte alphanumeric field
MQBYTE24 24-byte alphanumeric field
MQBYTE32 32-byte alphanumeric field
MQBYTE64 64-byte alphanumeric field
MQCHAR 1-byte alphanumeric field
MQCHAR4 4-byte alphanumeric field
MQCHAR8 8-byte alphanumeric field
MQCHAR12 12-byte alphanumeric field
MQCHAR16 16-byte alphanumeric field
MQCHAR20 20-byte alphanumeric field
MQCHAR28 28-byte alphanumeric field
MQCHAR32 32-byte alphanumeric field
MQCHAR48 48-byte alphanumeric field
MQCHAR64 64-byte alphanumeric field
MQCHAR128 128-byte alphanumeric field
MQCHAR256 256-byte alphanumeric field
MQFLOAT32 4-byte floating-point number
MQFLOAT64 8-byte floating-point number
MQHCONFIG Configuration handle
MQHCONN 10-digit signed integer
MQHMSG Message handle that gives access to a message
MQHOBJ 10-digit signed integer
MQINT8 8-bit signed integer
MQINT16 16-bit signed integer
MQINT32 32-bit signed integer
MQINT64 64-bit signed integer
MQLONG 32-bit signed integer
MQPID Process identifier
MQPTR Pointer
MQTID Thread identifier
MQUINT8 8-bit unsigned integer
MQUINT16 16-bit unsigned integer
MQUINT32 32-bit unsigned integer
MQUINT64 64-bit unsigned integer
MQULONG 32-bit unsigned integer
PMQACH Pointer to a data structure of type MQACH
PMQAIR Pointer to a data structure of type MQAIR
PMQAXC Pointer to a data structure of type MQAXC
PMAXP Pointer to a data structure of type MAXP
PMQBMHO Pointer to a data structure of type MQBMHO
PMQBO Pointer to a data structure of type MQBO
PMQBOOL Pointer to data of type MQBOOL
PMQBYTE Pointer to data of type MQBYTE
PMQBYTEn Pointer to data of type MQBYTEn
PMQCBC Pointer to a data structure of type MQCBC
PMQCBD Pointer to a data structure of type MQCBD
PMQCHAR Pointer to a data structure of type MQCHAR
PMQCHARV Pointer to a data structure of type MQCHARV
PMQCHARn Pointer to data of type MQCHARn
PMQCIH Pointer to a data structure of type MQCIH
PMQCMHO Pointer to a data structure of type MQCMHO
PMQCNO Pointer to a data structure of type MQCNO
PMQCSP Pointer to a data structure of type MQCSP
PMQCTLO Pointer to a data structure of type MQCTLO
PMQDH Pointer to a data structure of type MQDH
PMQDHO Pointer to a data structure of type MQDHO
PMQDLH Pointer to a data structure of type MQDLH
PMQDMHO Pointer to a data structure of type MQDMHO
PMQDMPO Pointer to a data structure of type MQDMPO
PMQEPH Pointer to a data structure of type MQEPH
PMQFLOAT32 Pointer to data of type MQFLOAT32
PMQFLOAT64 Pointer to data of type MQFLOAT64
PMQFUNC Pointer to a function
PMQGMO Pointer to a data structure of type MQGMO
PMQHCONFIG Pointer to data of type MQHCONFIG
PMQHCONN Pointer to data of type MQHCONN
PMQHMSG Pointer to data of type MQHMSG
PMQHOBJ Pointer to data of type MQHOBJ
PMQIIH Pointer to a data structure of type MQIIH
PMQIMPO Pointer to a data structure of type MQIMPO
PMQINT8 Pointer to data of type MQINT8
PMQINT16 Pointer to data of type MQINT16
PMQINT32 Pointer to data of type MQINT32
PMQINT64 Pointer to data of type MQINT64
PMQLONG Pointer to data of type MQLONG
PMQMD Pointer to a data structure of type MQMD
PMQMDE Pointer to a data structure of type MQMDE
PMQMD1 Pointer to a data structure of type MQMD1
PMQMD2 Pointer to a data structure of type MQMD2
PMQMHBO Pointer to a data structure of type MQMHBO
PMQOD Pointer to a data structure of type MQOD
PMQOR Pointer to a data structure of type MQOR
PMQPD Pointer to a data structure of type MQPD
PMQPID Pointer to a process identifier MQPID
PMQPMO Pointer to a data structure of type MQPMO
PMQPTR Pointer to data of type MQPTR
PMQRFH Pointer to a data structure of type MQRFH
PMQRFH2 Pointer to a data structure of type MQRFH2
PMQRMH Pointer to a data structure of type MQRMH
PMQRR Pointer to a data structure of type MQRR
PMQSCO Pointer to a data structure of type MQSCO
PMQSD Pointer to a data structure of type MQSD
PMQSMPO Pointer to a data structure of type MQSMPO
PMQSRO Pointer to a data structure of type MQSRO
PMQSTS Pointer to a data structure of type MQSTS
PMQTID Pointer to a thread identifier MQTID
PMQTM Pointer to a data structure of type MQTM
PMQTMC2 Pointer to a data structure of type MQTMC2
PMQUINT8 Pointer to data of type MQUINT8
PMQUINT16 Pointer to data of type MQUINT16
PMQUINT32 Pointer to data of type MQUINT32
PMQUINT64 Pointer to data of type MQUINT64
PMQULONG Pointer to data of type MQULONG
PMQWIH Pointer to a data structure of type MQWIH
PMQXQH Pointer to a data structure of type MQXQH

Parent topic: Data type descriptions on IBM i