Details of CCSIDs and CCSID conversion for Cyrillic. The typical languages using these CCSIDs include Belarussion, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, and Serbian.
Platform Native CCSIDs z/OS 1025 IBM i 880, 1025 Windows 855, 866, 1131, 1251, 5347 AIX Linux
915 Apple client 1283 All non-client platforms support conversion between their native CCSIDs and the native CCSIDs of the other platforms, with the following exceptions.
Code page:
- 880
- Does not convert to code pages 855, 866, 878, 1131, 5347
- 1025
- Does not convert to code pages 878, 5347
Code page:
- 855
- Does not convert to code page 1131
- 866
- Does not convert to code page 1131
- 1131
- Does not convert to code pages 855, 866, 880, 1283
Parent topic: National languages